Pilatus will present the new “Most Advanced Single” as part of its first Pilatus Direct Showcase next Friday. Sam Chui, the well-known aviation influencer, will guide viewers on a journey of discovery through the aircraft’s many impressive features. You can catch the first Pilatus Direct on YouTube, on Friday, March 14, 2025, at 7 pm Central European Time.
The Pilatus Direct Showcase will focus on sharing information efficiently, in a style appropriate to our digital age. The interactive format combines various elements such as trailers, product scenes and interviews with Pilatus employees and customers to present the latest developments and surprise announcements – from new products to updates for existing aircraft.
Pilatus Direct announcements will usually be made via official Pilatus social media channels and the company website. Presentations will be broadcast as live streams on platforms such as YouTube, and will then be available as videos. Regular publications will keep customers and other interested persons in the loop, allowing them to follow progress and innovation at Pilatus “live”, so to speak.
The first Pilatus Direct will be broadcast on the Pilatus YouTube channel on Friday, March 14, 2025 (19:00 CET | 13:00 EST | 10:00 PST | 04:00 AEST +1).
This first broadcast will present the “Most Advanced Single – Progressive, Proven, Professional” to the general public.
Don’t miss it – subscribe now at youtube.com/@PilatusAircraftLtd and pilatus-aircraft.com/direct